Jesus Mission is working actively to destroy the strongholds of Satan. As lost souls become born again, we want to build a place, where they can worship the Almighty God and receive discipleship training. The aim of Jesus Mission is to train and support native missionaries to share the gospel with their own people. Equipping the nationals to serve is the best way to make a durable impact on the target country. You are cordially invited to be a financial partner. Any monthly amount can make a difference. Your donations to Jesus Mission are tax deductible.
Currently, Jesus Mission has 14 churches in Haiti and 1 in the Dominican Republic, many of which are tents made of palm branches. We need about $400,000.00 U.S. to turn those tents into permanent sanctuaries. This is an estimate of $20,000.00 U.S. per sanctuary. Please share these needs with your church, family, and friends. Please do pray for a financial breakthrough. In addition, we are planning on building a guesthouse in Pine Forest, Haiti, in order to accommodate short-term missionaries. We are giving you an opportunity to make a monthly donation toward the church planting project. This is a great investment toward eternity.