Before the January 12, 2010 devastating earthquake, Haiti had about 80,000 orphaned children. The earthquake has nearly doubled this number. Instead of building an orphanage, as we envisioned doing initially, we decided to focus on helping needy children, those who are living with extended families and/or foster parents. In so doing, we have been able to provide financial assistance for food items, school supplies, small blankets, and funds to assist parents in sending their children to school.
As part of helping needy children, Moriah Baptist Mission has been involved in establishing congregational school programs as well. Educating children is investing in humans for a better future. Unlike the United States, Haiti does not have enough public schools to educate its children. While the government has expressed a genuine desire to provide public education for all school-aged children, such a project will take many years to materialize. Therefore, congregational schools will continue to play a major role in helping the government educate children in Haiti.
You can definitely help us in Haiti by making a commitment to support Moriah Baptist Mission on a monthly basis. Five dollars a month will go a long way. All it takes is a desire to build for eternity. We pray God’s blessings upon you as you join us in making a difference in the poorest country in the West Indies.
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