One of the congregations lifted up songs of gladness and joy celebrating the anniversary of their building. The building is not complete, but they were very happy to bestow a service to our Lord inside of it. … [Read more...]
Haiti Update – December 22, 2013
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for all you have done in Haiti through Moriah Baptist Mission in 2013. Your monthly gifts have been used to build a church in Cannotte, near Pine Forest, one of the rural areas of Haiti. We will post a picture for you soon. We have also … [Read more...]
Haiti Update
The year of 2013 has been a difficult year for Haiti. The executive and the legislative branches have spent the whole year trying to settle disputes over the electoral laws and fiscal issues. the Senate has tried to impeach the president to no avail. Many think that these issues can only be … [Read more...]
Haiti Update – September 22, 2012
Before the January 12, 2010 devastating earthquake, Haiti had about 80,000 orphaned children. The earthquake has nearly doubled this number. Instead of building an orphanage, as we envisioned doing initially, we decided to focus on helping needy children, those who are living with extended … [Read more...]
Haiti Update – March 16, 2011
Rebuilding Haiti Project For years people have referred to Haiti as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The 7.0-magnitude earthquake has certainly made the matter worse. The rebuilding Haiti project focuses on building an orphanage in Pine Forest,a rural area in the county of … [Read more...]
Haiti Update – February 17, 2010
Dear Contributor, This letter is to extend our many thanks to you for your generosity. Because of you, we were able to travel to Haiti through the Dominican Republic to help more than one hundred families with care packages, clothes, and money. As we finished distributing what we brought with … [Read more...]